
​“Today I feel energized! My thoughts are welcomed just as the new day sun. Therefore, I Am Present with each and every one.”-Shaw Nee Janelle

~Reality at Balance


Thank you again for visiting my ​Blog Page as we come together for I Am Present with My Thoughts” from this multiple part series on Affirmations | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor | Part 44.

You can find additional Inspiration & discover more about me on my BLOG PAGETwitter & all of my other Social Media Platforms, so please click on the links above/below. If you haven’t yet viewed Part 1 from this series, please do so by clicking here.

The length of this series, which is set for 52 weeks is for you to become more familiar with your strengths and weaknesses as a sexual abuse survivor.   I encourage everyone to go at their own pace & to know that the doors will always remain open for questions as a community or individually.~ Join Our Community Support Group.


Disclaimer: If you are currently being sexually violated in any way please inform an adult at this time immediately. 

For your discretion, there are 24/7 Hotlines available for questions or aide here @ https://www.rainn.org/https://www.rainn.org/national-resources-sexual-assault-survivors-and-their-loved-ones, or please also check with your local county for other resources and advice for your safety. 

“I Have a Voice” | Affirmations | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor 

--->“I Am Safe” |Affirmations | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor 

--->“I Am Perfect Just as I Am” | Affirmations | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor | Pt 38


Respect others' boundaries.
Ask for consent.
Intervene when someone's in trouble.
Notice the warning signs of abuse and speak up.
Nurture myself and others

Let’s Begin with the Affirmation for Week 44!

I cannot hide from myself. Being present every day in life can transform and balance my existence as a sexual abuse survivor. My “conditions” at this time may not be at the optimum level for joy, but I do recognize myself through my thoughts. As an alternative to hiding from unwarranted feelings, I can look for pleasing ways to sustain my health and wellness to feel comfortable within myself.

Being present with myself as a sexual abuse survivor maybe difficult at first. In the past, trauma conceivably did mislead my thoughts astray from the presence of “I AM” -where self-love can be found, but instead, scars have encompassed my total being. Right now, I allow my thoughts to develop a  sense for a greater connection to my mind, emotions, and Spirit to self-actualize in all areas of life.


a sexual abuse survivor, one prime focus is to root and protect my energy. Oh yes, this attribute will take time to fully mature, but I know that it can be done. I Am Present with My Thoughts, meanwhile attuning the awareness of myself through emotions.  
My awareness of my thoughts is just as important as my faith, belief system, and/or spirituality-the things that I set forth as morals in life. Just as I am cognizant of those things, as a sexual abuse survivor, I Am Present with My Thoughts right now through rooted enlightenment for a phenomenal and reoccurring internal balance!

​No matter where you are right now on your journey as a sexual abuse survivor, remember that there is more to you than what the eye may perceive of the self at this time. You are a SurvivorStay in action on your healing journey every day and meditate on these concepts,I Am Present with My Thoughts.”
Visualize the Affirmation, see it in color or as shaded black and white, however, the mind perceives it, allow for the current response to form naturally. Listen to yourself without judgment and begin to frequently journal  this process as you transition the mind to higher knowledge of yourself.

Our reality at balance begins at the very moment as the work is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! 

Balance & Peace…


​About the Author:

Shaw Nee Janelle is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of  "The Traditional Modalities for Healing”Blogger & Owner of.realitynconsciousness.com. In her blogs, she enjoys writing inspirational tips on Holistic Health, Self-CareAfrikan Spirituality, and Sexual Abuse Awareness. She also loves travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes.


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