Chromotherapy | How Does Color Affect You?

“A color is as strong as the impression it creates.”
Ivan Albright

~Reality in Consciousness

​At all times and in every space, our atmosphere is explosive with varied colors. Color therapy is also known by Chromotherapy, a therapeutic healing practice in which colors consciously affect our physical bodies and are used to permeate a level of balance in assisting with mood.

Through their specific vibrations (wavelengths, frequencies), colors give off powerful influences regardless if we are conscious of it or not. Every hue variation has a vibrational frequency made by visible sound. In order for us to recognize the emittance of sound, nature has created another instrument, our eyes.

We can consider the natural occurrence of color through its purest form of expression, the rainbow. We know that when a beam of light falls onto a prism, it refracts into the seven colors of the rainbow.

Our ancient ancestors had specifically engaged in what we now know as Chromotherapy for therapeutic healing of the sick. Depending on their ailment, patients were brought into beautiful rooms with windows covered in dyed fabric such as blue, orange, green and so on.

​It’s no coincidence today that most chapels, temples, cathedrals, places of worship, private buildings, homes, and etc. have stained glass windows to advance the incoming light. In this manner, the refraction of the light encourages an effective aspect of healing our physical and emotional bodies.
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​Tools for Chromotherapy:

A person may influence the frequencies of COLOR with:
  • Meditation
  • Clothing
  • Jewelry
  • Foods
  • Colored lights/lamps
  • Painting a wall, or canvas
  • Natural occurrences- trees, sky, bodies of water, soil, fire
  • The Mind
  • Pictures

​Color therapy is also a visual reminder of what an individual should be focused on achieving wellbeing. We may utilize Chakra therapy, an expression of Chromotherapy in which the person directly engages in the balancing of the seven energy centers, maximizing the flow of energy in our body.  Color vibrations react to our energy centers (chakras) in a very special manner, and because of this sense of a natural “control”, one color of the prism spectrum is assigned to each energy center.


The Seven Energy Centers (Chakras) Through Chromotherapy:

An effective way to use the benefits of colors is to know the color assigned to each energy center and apply them to Chakra therapy teachings. Below are the basic understandings of all seven energy centers in relation to color.
  • 1st CHAKRA/ROOT, RED- vitality, courage, physical desire
  • 2nd CHAKRA/SACRAL, ORANGE- frees emotional patterns, encourages self-esteem, increases the joy we feel from sexual pleasures
  • 3rd CHAKRA/SOLAR PLEXUS, YELLOW to GOLDEN- strengthens thoughts, nervous system, clarifies psychological problems
  • 4th CHAKRA/HEART, PINK or GREENinner peace, regenerating, stimulates creativity, child-like feelings of happiness, feelings of love, affection, friendship, serenity
  • 5th CHAKRA/THROAT, PALE BLUEcreates calmness and expansion, spiritual motivation, inspiration, good health
  • 6th CHAKRA/THIRD EYE-INDIGO to VIOLET-  clarity and depth, strengthens and heals the senses, provide mental regeneration
  • 7th CHAKRA/CROWN-PURPLEwisdom, healing, spiritual connection, protection

Basic Colors Through Chromotherapy:

  • BLACK- breaks up negative blockages, protection, absorbs and removes
  • BROWN- concentration, balance, intuition, basic material aspects
  • Magenta- high vibrational frequency
  • SILVER, CLEAR, OR GRAY- stability, helps with meditation, aids with victory
  • WHITE- wholeness, helping with pregnancy or birth, spiritual helpers, purity

If a person wants to strengthen their relationships to bring love and peace, they would focus on the color pink. They may do this by wearing it (even undergarments), placing on pink jewelry, visually meditate on the color, or engage with the color pink with light or pictures. We can use this in the same sense if a person wants to regenerate their libido. Red would be a good color to focus on because of its strength, willpower, and vitality frequencies. Again they may wear red, eat red foods, drink red drinks, meditate, and so on.

​Days of the Week Through Colors:

Each day of the week, a specific vibrational color is assigned to reflect a frequency level through the system of planetary energy. A person may follow this system just as well to heighten a central focus point in their life.
  • Sunday (Sun)- Yellow, Gold
  • Monday (Moon)- Silver, White, Light Gray
  • Tuesday (Mars)- Red
  • Wednesday (Mercury)- Purple, Yellow
  • Thursday (Jupiter)- Blue
  • Friday (Venus)- Green
  • Saturday (Saturn)- Black, Purple

Astrological Colors

Astrological/Zodiac signs carry its own frequency through colors too! This means that within a person’s own chart of birth, vibrational energy can be advanced.

  • Aries- Red, White, Pink
  • Taurus- Green, Pink, Yellow, Red
  • Gemini-Yellow, Green, Blue, Silver, Red
  • Cancer-White, Green, Brown
  • Leo- Gold, Orange, Red, Green
  • Virgo- Gray, Yellow, Gold, Black
  • Libra- Royal Blue, Light Brown, Black
  • Scorpio-Black,Red, Brown
  • Sagittarius- Dark Blue, Gold, Purple, Red,
  • Capricorn- Red, Black, Dark Brown
  • Aquarius-Light/Dark Blue, Green
  • Pisces- Green, Aquamarine, White, Royal Blue​

Sometimes throughout our life, we’re individually impressed upon or drawn to certain colors. By this notion to be made aware of, they should concentrate on its positive aspects and are encouraged to develop themselves based on the concepts of color therapy.

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Seasonal Colors:

Nature exudes in excellency through wholeness and balance.  Even our year-to-year, four seasonal change in the weather that we experience is attached to a specific frequency/vibration. In some ways more than others, the seasonal change may affect a person by a synch or a relentless tugging toward energy to react on. 
  • Winter- Dark Green; symbolizes earth
  • Spring- Yellow; mental pursuits
  • Summer- Red; physical action
  • Fall- Blue; symbolizes emotions

Chromotherapy systems are available for further study; Yet, the simplistic details and techniques of color therapy are ideally self-taught. Being aware of our senses is crucial in this form of therapeutic practice. One should spend a little time every day with specific colors to grasp a better reach of our emotions so that we can pursue a greater understanding of the energies that surround us at every moment. It is only logical to use colors in their purest expression to consciously heal.

​Thank you again for staying in tuned to reality in consciousness on this week’s segment, “Chromotherapy | How Does Color Affect You?”
Until the Very Next Point in time,
Be Well & Heal in Peace…Peace!!!
Written by: S.J

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~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields
~Reality in


About the Author:

Shaw Nee Janelle is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of  “The Traditional Modalities for Healing” Manual available on, Blogger & owner of In her Blogs, she enjoys writing Inspirational Tips on Holistic HealthWeekly Affirmations, Therapeutic Self-Care, and more. She also loves travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes.


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