5 Holiday-Wellness Tips | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor

Take a Deep Breath. Get Present in the Moment and Ask Yourself, What is Important at this Very Second”
Greg Mckeown

~Reality in Consciousness


​The way that I’ve always had seem to recall, during the holiday season, there are just only two avenues around this time of year that a sexual abuse survivor might consider. Number one; proceedto all your festivities unconsciously prepared as a guest, (because no one has seen your darling face for a while). Or number two; steer far away from unnecessary triggers by following these 5 Holiday-Wellness Tips for a Sexual Abuse Survivor!

My guide and post for this time of year and everything else in between is to only engage with those who respect me as an individual, but I’ve come to learn that this may not always be the “right” approach toward holiday traditions, like the ones you can readily ignore. 

These special 5 Holiday-Wellness Tips for a Sexual Abuse Survivor is a way to arrive at those customary events as Survivor, internally gleaming with strength, protection, and perseverance that one or more can acquire a knowledge of.

    1.  Develop a Plan        

​As a sexual abuse survivor, you will need to “gear-up” and initiate a plan of action. Don’t just show up like, “I’m here, let’s get this over with”, but first develop a plan for your visits during the holiday! You will need to “get your mind right” first with meditation. According to source, “meditation refers to a family of self-regulation practices that focus on training attention and awareness in order to bring mental processes under greater voluntary control and thereby foster general mental well-being and development and/or specific capacities such as calm, clarity, and concentration  (Roger Walsh & Shauna L. Shapiro 2006).” 

​During this practice, you may repeat any befitting affirmation to refocus your mind such as, “I Am Present in the Now” or “I Affirm the Courageousness of My Daily Actions.” If you’re a more visual person this is a great source too. So then, utilize your visualization skill throughout meditation as you will be affirming the selected pictures out loud from a vision board or derived from your keen imagination. Experience the subsequent emotion, like peace or joy, etc. in response to the imagesduring meditation. Then, complete your predetermined, visualized outcome of the holiday get- together that suits you. You should do this routine in the morning or before bed a few times before the visits, but make it work for you! Get creative and develop or create images to your likings, such as angels, saints, or ascendant masters surrounding you in protection from a vision board or just use your powerful imagination. Form your plan before attending holiday events with a practiced meditation and stay prepared for better holidays.

2.      Get Support

​This second tip is surprisingly one that is the most forgotten about amongst sexual abuse survivors.  At your major or minor holiday event with relatives and/or friends, get support before you appear! Begin now, and trust one appointed holiday attendee that you can speak directly with about your fear, worry, or level of comfort in regards to the specialized family affair. It could be your spouse, close relative or friend that you may confide in for this holiday season.  Use this time to get real and maybe even brutally honest. As a sexual abuse survivor, a long explanation on how you feel is unnecessary, furthermore, it isn't owed to anyone, so keep your mission short and precise. What’s more important is to receive the support just in case the exit becomes your safe haven.  

                                                       3.    Do Not Engage in Sensitive Topics

​Oh boy, there are a lot of delicate topics to go around for more than two lifetimes, but for this holiday season, do yourself a favor and take this opportunity for the perfect time to completely “zone out”.  For the present concerns of today, sensitive topics like the “Me too” movement or the never-ending sight of the zillion sex scandals should be avoided as a sexual abuse survivor at this time. For one, these subjects can easily lead to unavoidable triggers, and two, the mere fact that a stranger’s sexual abuse case is easily discussed out in the open during the holidays while in the midst of a niece, cousin, or uncle who’s been potentially victimized seems like a crude farce to say the least.  Do not engage in sensitive topics! Stay positive and steer clear away from them all; Use this time to think about what you’re eating. Slow down the chewing process of your food, increase your awareness to what herbs or special seasoning that was used during the cook time, and finally direct your attention to the food being properly digested into your system. As a sexual abuse survivor, always focus on shifting your awareness from sensitive topics to a form of enlightenment, as the holiday season is for cheer and a year of closure.

                                                                    4. Focus On Gratitude

After all, the reason why we come together for the holidays is to celebrate life. This may be difficult as a sexual abuse survivor in the presence of unhappy people. Nevertheless, remind yourself of the reason why you have chosen to be present amongst others at this time. A good point of reference to remember is the guidance of the inner-self. The strong-willed force backed up by your encouragement to restore balance with gratitude. We know of it by the name self-talk for it is also referred to as intrapersonal communication. Our ability to talk to ourselves and think in words is a major part of the human experience of consciousness. You may want to imprint this natural occurrence with gratitude for the holidays, focusing on life and your individual personal growth.

                                                                                        5.     Breathe


Never hold your breath, but always remember to breathe through all circumstances in life.  Sometimes as a sexual abuse survivor, you might even need to take mini breaks from visiting during the holidays and this is only natural. Go outside and breathe slow and deep for a moment, giving thanks to your ability to do so.  Make an excuse to use the restroom because of all that water you’d been “downing” today. No matter the excuse, listen to your body if experiencing a sensation of feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Slow and deep breathing is a sure way to alleviate stressors and converge to homeostasis. You don’t always have to talk the night away at holiday visits but to remain in charge of your organic breath as a survivor.

Thank you again for staying in tuned to reality in consciousness on this week’s segment on 5 Holiday-Wellness Tips for a Sexual Abuse Survivor!

Reality in Consciousness begins at the very moment as the work is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! 
Please be sure to Check-Out All of My Other Social Media Platforms Linked Below for Weekly Inspirations. 

Until the Very Next Point in time,
Be Well & Heal in Peace…Peace!!!

Written by: S.J
***Stay Tuned in to reality in consciousness by simply Clicking on the Links Below!

~The Traditional Modalities for Healingby: Reality S.J Fields
~Reality in Consciousness.com

Source: "The meeting of meditative disciplines andwestern psychology: A mutually enriching dialogue"
 (Roger Walsh & Shauna L. Shapiro 2006). 

About the Author:

S.J is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of “The TraditionalModalities for Healing”, Blogger & Owner of www.realitynconsciousness.com. In her Blogs, she enjoys writing Inspirational Tips about the utilization of Holistic Tools, such as Mindfulness, Awareness of the inner-self & its environment, weekly Affirmations for Sexual Abuse Survivors, & Afrikan Spirituality. She also loves reading, travel, fitness, & creating new vegan recipes.


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