5 Holiday-Wellness Tips | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor
Take a Deep Breath. Get Present in the Moment and Ask Yourself, What is Important at this Very Second” Greg Mckeown ~Reality in Consciousness HANDMADE ENCHANTMENT AND HOLIDAY FUN The way that I’ve always had seem to recall, during the holiday season, there are just only two avenues around this time of year that a sexual abuse survivor might consider. Number one; proceed to all your festivities unconsciously prepared as a guest, (because no one has seen your darling face for a while). Or number two; steer far away from unnecessary triggers by following these 5 Holiday- Wellness Tips for a Sexual Abuse Survivor! My guide and post for this time of year and everything else in between is to only engage with those who respect me as an individual, but I’ve come to learn that this may not always be the “right” approach toward h...
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