Breath Therapy: The Essence to Living Life

~Reality in Consciousness

Reality quick Backdrop…

I knew early on how important oxygen is, so important that I resisted its continual flow.  Like some children, practicing to test just how long the breath could be held for, and oh, did it burn like fire, I didn’t like that feeling.  Later on in life, without any notice, I would hold my breath out of spite for short periods until it became a problem.  Heart palpations followed by sharp pain when I went to lay down vexed was my alarm to take better care of myself.
Studying various styles of meditation and Breath Therapy work had allowed for me to choose what best fits me when I feel imbalanced. What will “work” to restore my whole self could be different next week.  I am constantly changing as I continue grounding and “tuning-in”.  For instance, at this moment, I love the look, feel and the sound of ocean waves where I use this natural ambiance during visualization and writing work.  I say all of this just to give you a quick backdrop from where I am coming from in life as I guide the reader to my preferred resources on the subject below, enjoy.

The Essence of Life

Shallow or poor breathing can contribute to many disorders.  We need to learn to breathe deeply, and from the abdomen rather than from the chest, which produces short, shallow breathing.  Learning this technique helps one to breath in more oxygen, which then passes to the lungs and is absorbed into the bloodstream and into our bodies.  Oxygen is needed for cellular respiration, cell metabolism, and proper brain function. If you breath too shallowly, the body may not be able to eliminate sufficient carbon dioxide for good health.  Proper breathing techniques increases lung capacity, increases energy levels, speeds the healing process of many disorders, and help to relieve anxiety, asthma symptoms, insomnia, and stress (Balch 2010). 

To Practice Deep Breathing, do the following:

1)Slowly Breathe in through your nose and from your abdomen as deeply as you can and hold the Breath for a count of ten.
2)Place your tongue between your front teeth and the roof of your mouth.  Slowly breath out through your mouth.
Do this for five minutes three times daily.  Choose an environment with fresh air when doing this exercise, not a place with a lot of traffic and pollution (Balch 2010).

The Cooling (Soothing) Breath

The Cooling Breath soothes the body temple, much the way cucumbers, hops, valerian, chamomile, or lemongrass do (Afua,2000).
1)As you inhale, Breath into and expand the stomach and chest.
2)When you exhale, contract the stomach and relax the chest.
3)Keep your shoulders relaxed at all times and your face at ease.
4)Release all tension and stress with each 


Here is one often overlooked way to help switch the focus on.  Yoga-type Breath-work.  Shallow, short Breathing is one of the main signs of anxiety.  However, by consciously Breathing deeply, you can calm your body and mind.  Try this helpful technique:
1)Imagine a point below your belly button.
2) Inhale deeply through your nostrils into your abdomen to reach that point.
3) Then, exhale even more slowly through your mouth.

***Concentrate on your breathing and block out everything else for a peaceful and meditative moment (Pesmen 2005).
Be Well & Heal in Peace… Peace!
~ Written by: Reality S.J
Stay Tuned in to Reality……. Click the Links Below!
Source:“Uncommon Cures for Everyday Ailments”; from the Editors of Bottom Line/Health by Curt Pesmen, Copyright 2005 by Boardroom Inc.
Source:“Prescription for Nutritional Healing” by Phyllis A. Balch Copyright 2010 Revocable Trust
Source: “Sacred Woman” by Queen Afua, Random House Publishing 2000, NY


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