“Orange is the color of liberation, from the pains of hurtful love and inner insecurities. To channel orange is to truly be free, to be you.” -Frank Ocean

~Reality in Balance




​The center of unfiltered, flowing emotions in the Sacral Chakra is the formation of sexual and creative energies. The Sacral Chakra is the second major energy wheel of the chakra system following the root or base chakra. The source that emanates theSacral Chakra energy is water, the origin of all biological life, and correlates to the emotional field. In the astrological plane of existence, references the Sacral Chakra to water signs such as Cancer, and its planet, the Moon.

​Located above the pelvic bone and below the navel and encompassing the genital region, the Sacral Chakra in Sanskrit is called Svadhisthana, meaning the dwelling of self. As humans, it is within our divine nature to create through the Sacral Chakra

Through Sacral Chakra Balancing, we see ourselves as part of the infinite process of creation, which manifests in us as feelings and creativity. Creating in life can be done through channels that reach anywhere from procreation, gardening, solving a puzzle, and/or new ideas. I don’t know about any of you guys, but my emotions and new ways to think about occurring situations seem to flow while water is running near me.

I could be washing dishes, and the thought of family, friends, or myself flow through the vibrational waves of my emotional state. Even while showering, streams of unconscious acts play a role in my conscious mind. During those times, I am aware of my emotional vibration and begin to pay attention to transcribed details. Our interpersonal relationships, especially those of the opposite sex, are dominated decisively by the functions of the Sacral Chakra.




When we naturally flow with life and feelings, we are accepting of newer opportunities through the creation of life. In this way, we can be open to ourselves and others that stimulate our creative actions. The Balanced Sacral Chakra energy is formed in genuine and undistorted feelings that allow us to express the dwelling seat of emotions through balanced functions.

The Unbalanced Sacral Chakra originates during the stage of puberty. Due to the arousal of sexual energy, it can cause a state of uncertainty. Because parent(s) or guardian(s) have suppressed the teenager through unbalanced guidance and practices, it had formed a polar response to the Sacral Chakra energy. In turn, excessive sexual fantasies, suppressed desires, feeling uncomfortable with the opposite sex, and constant thoughts of a sexual relationship all stem from  Unbalanced Sacral Chakra energies


In nearly all cases, the Blocked Sacral Chakra can be traced as far back to infancy and early childhood years. This is due to the lack of proper sensual stimulation in the form of affection: kisses, touches, caresses, and tenderness. The absence of thereof resulted in suppressed emotions and feelings. Over time, a suppressed "being" lack self-esteem, appears to have emotional paralysis, and sexual deviance.  ​



Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil- works for the Sacral Chakra by promoting a sense of calm and peace while acting as an aphrodisiac. It helps diminish feelings of anxiety and depression and promotes a feeling of well being and boosts self esteem.

Sandalwood Essential Oil-highly recommended by experts to help balance the SacralChakra and promotes a sense of contentment with self.


Experiencing water outdoors stimulates theSacral Chakra. Whether rainfall, ocean, lake, river, and etc. these natural bodies of water are the reflection of emotions connecting us to the creative reproduction of being. Gaze for a few minutes or gently swirl the body of water in your sight every day. 

Tuning in to the moon, especially a full moon uplifts your spirit and permeate receptive messages through dreams and our imagination. During the full moon’s heightened lumination, I really enjoy spending time moon gazing. Afterward, I feel very much connected to earth and my intuitive ambition toward ancestry.


Carnelian-  ideal for Sacral Chakra healing. A orange carnelian bracelet or ring will keep the healing vibrations near your Sacral Chakra during the day to keep it clear and active.

Moonstone-  using moonstone in our Sacral Chakra for its ability to help identify emotional patterns that are stored in the subconscious, and serve as a transmitter to release chaotic patterns. It also serves to stimulate confidence and composure.

The color orange materialized in clothing, food, and of course gemstones will supply us with stimulating and renewal energy.  I can recall working on my Sacral Chakra in the past taking a memory of a bright orange nautica jacket that I bought for myself in the 10th grade and utilized the color’s energy to focus in on my Sacral Chakra during meditation.  It worked! 

SACRAL CHAKRA CLEANSING SOUNDBATH 》Let Go of Draining Negative Emotions 》Chakra Healing Music

We can use any kind of music that lets emotions flow through the Sacral Chakra for balancing.

Tantra Yoga for Sacral Chakra Balancing

We can still play like children to harness our creative energy and balance the Sacral Chakra. In opening your Sacral Chakra system, you must take risks and be unafraid of failures. Watching children at play carelessly as they work on something for hours, like legos, to only destroy their creation just to start a new project again as if it was no big deal is a good example. This formed behavior that we use to embody in our childhood can still remain in existence today. The creative process and the Creative Being lies in balance with our Sacral Chakra.


Your Reality in Balance begins at the very moment when work is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! Balance & Peace...

About the Author:

Shaw Nee Janelle is a In her blogs, she enjoys writing inspirational tips on Holistic Health, Self-Care, Afrikan Spirituality, and Sexual Abuse Awareness. She also loves to travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes.


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