
~Reality in Consciousness

​​When we think about grounding ourselves, some expressions might come to mind such as being humble, self-disciplined or have a foundation built on willed self-determination in life.  Whatever that may be, grounding is necessary for all of us to reflect on, because life has its course of changes and unexplained actions throughout. Therefore, everyone needs rebalancing to remain stable.

What I discovered with  root essential oils, for instance like Ginger, is that roots are the most natural plant for grounding. Through personal and professional experiences with essential oils, my clients and I have found relief from mental, spiritual, and emotional challenges. This blog is about using the aromatic parts of the root plant for the purpose of grounding, stability, longevity, and balancing our whole health.

Historical practitioners knew what we know today, root essential oils carry powerful chemical components. Residing under the earth, roots are the most natural plant part for grounding energy and providing stability.  There are various layers to understanding the energetic levels of root oils

Symbolizing longevityroot essential oils keep our energy grounded and give our work stability. Based on these metaphysical principles, as well as the physiological benefits provided by root essential oils, spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional balance can be fulfilled to restore whole health. For example, emotional and mental rebalancing includes raising our spirits when we are feeling down.


​Spiritual Benefits:
The advanced awareness on how to use the root essential oils to further develop a spiritual connection to our Ancestors and Spiritual Guides are literally grounded in this resilient plant part. The spiritual use of a root essential oil can help us  uncover our spiritual essence or our spiritual practice. 

Mental Benefits:
To manage and balance your “thought process” is essential in creating a happy, stable, and productive life.  We can keep our mind focused on the positive with root essential oils in case of a life change. The mental subtle body contains all of the thought patterns in our consciousness that create our reality. Focus on what you want with root essential oils, not what you don’t want.

Emotional Benefits: 
Use root essential oils as a coping mechanism tool and to unblock underlying challenges. Sometimes poor coping skills may be what disallows us from remaining grounded in life. The emotional body is just as real as the physical body.  After all, we don’t have to be convinced that we have feelings. A root essential oil can help you get in touch with, embrace, or transmute your emotions. Balance is forever the goal to have in life, and it begins with by recognizing how we feel.

Physical Benefits:
Use root essential oils to sustain the physical, mundane existence of ourselves. This would include financial stability and career support. In this instance, root oils can enhance the physical body or the manner in which we exists. 


Using root essential oils is quite simple. You must always dilute a small amount of oil in a carrier-based oilor plain water. Some oils may be toxic, and should never be used near eyes.

For Inhalation purposes, there are several devices available:

  • Diffusers
  • Simmer pots
  • Aroma therapy lamps
  • Light bulb rings
*Inhale directly from the bottle



Vim and Vigor
Botanical Name:
Zingiber Officinale

Spiritual uses:
A stimulate for awakening consciousness. It clears away energetic debris, opening levels of awareness to receive insight and information.

​​Mental uses:
Ginger essential oil helps us to remember that we have the power to create and form our reality with our mind. It enhances willpower and clarity.

Emotional uses:
Ginger essential oil helps open our emotional field to accept connection with other people.

Physical uses:
Ginger essential oil is excellent for alleviating nausea and is helpful for digestion.

Stones- Ruby, rhodochrosite, rhodonite
Zodiac- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Solar System- Mars, Moon
Number- 10
Animal- hummingbird
​Elements- earth, fire

Tranquility and Peace
Botanical Name:
Vetiveria zizanoides

​Spiritual uses:
Vetiver essential oil helps to cleanse the auric field. It will also assist us to stay ​grounded during spiritual practices when used in small amounts.

Mental uses:
Vetiver is a good companion when we are trying to remain focused on our personal goals. It also helps to keep our thoughts aligned with our personal truth.

Emotional use:
Vetiver essential oils inspires us to take ourselves into nature to rebalance painful emotions, feelings, and disorderly responses.

Physical uses:
Vetiver helps stabilize the reproductive system. It encourages deep, restful sleep and aids in decreasing symptoms of exhaustion. 


Stones- brown agate, gold tiger’s eye, pyrite
Zodiac- Capricorn, Libra, Taurus
Solar System- Jupiter, Saturn, Venus
Number- 4, 44
Animal- earthworm
Elements- earth, fire, water
Goddess- Yemaya

Spikenard Essential Oil
The Feminine Christ
Botanical Name:
Nardostachys jatamansi 

Spiritual uses: Through spikenard’s calming energetic field, inner-peace and self-care are possible even when people are challenging. Use spikenard essential oil as a reminder to be open-minded to our intuition.

Mental uses: This essential oil is a reminder that when we make an effort to gain wisdom, information, and knowledge will always be available.

Emotional uses:
Spikenard essential oil aid in balancing and calming our emotions, thereby strengthening our emotional maturity.

Physical uses:
Spikenard relieves stress related conditions, hospice caregivers  and is a good aromatherapy ally for acupuncturist.  

Stones- Angelite, blue calcite, blue chalcedony
Zodiac- Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo
Solar System- Mercury, Saturn, Venus
Animal(s)- dragonfly, fish
Elements- earth, water

​Singularly or in combination, root essential oils can be used as allies to assist us in staying focused on our intention.  In order to escalate our self-awareness and achieve a state of whole health, staying true to our purpose through grounding is essential. We can create and maintain positive change with these special properties in root essential oils.

  • Angelica
  • Galangal
  • Lovage
  • Sandalwood
  • Snakeroot
  • Turmeric
  • Valerian

Thank you again for returning to Reality in Consciousness on this week’s segmentROOT ESSENTIAL OILS | GROUNDED in WHOLE HEALTH!”

Until the Very Next Point in time,

Written by: Shaw Nee Janelle

About the Author:

Shaw Nee Janelle is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of  “The Traditional Modalities for Healing”, Blogger & Ownerof In her blogs, she enjoys writing inspirational tips on Holistic Health, Metaphysics, Affirmations, Self-Care, Afrikan Spirituality, Sexual Abuse Awareness and more. She also loves travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes.

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~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields
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