Try Organic Food...or as your Grandparents called it FOOD."

~Reality in Consciousness

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Remember how the old saying goes, “Once we know better, we do better"? Well, perhaps next time that someone suggests for you to, "buy organic", hopefully, your reaction would be one of compromising awareness.  Yeah, we know all of the excuses by now as to why we won’t purchase natural foods, or circumstances like it’s expensive, hard to find or possibly out of reach from the tools to educate ourselves with.

 We comprehensively sourced information for our readers, not to subject them to fear tactics, but just the opposite of that, which is to consider this as essential information for our sustainability in general health. 

What are Natural, Organic Foods?

USDA Organic foods do not consist of added trans-fat, artificial colors, dyes, artificial flavoring, artificial growth hormones and antibiotics, vegetable oils, chemical fertilizers, chemical food additives, genetically modified organisms, high-fructose corn syrup, preservatives like sodium nitrate and sodium nitrates or toxic persistent pesticides. The difference between organic and conventional produce is the number of pesticides that are used to defend against insects while the plant is in the growing stage. While packaged foods are popular today, Dr. LLaila O. Afrika states that “contemporary junk food and fast food diet is based upon denatured, highly refined, processed, genetically altered and synthetically chemicalized, non-foods.”  It has zero nutritional value.


How to shop for Natural, Organic Foods

  • Look at the label code: 9**** is organic, 8**** is genetically modified, 4**** and 3**** are conventional and was grown with approved pesticides
  • Buy local at coops, natural food stores, and farmer’s market
  • Shop for what is in season-more likely to be on sale
  • Do not purchase wilted, rotten fruits and vegetables
  • Shop for fruits and vegetables often, once or twice a week to maintain good quality
  • Look for the Natural or Organic food labeling at non-health food stores with the print, Certified by the USDA​ 

​Our Health Depends on Natural, Organic Foods

The more foods we consume, the more important it is to buy ones that are organically grown. This is because many commercially grown foods are sprayed with pesticides that contribute to cancer rates, while if you buy organic or grow your own produce, you don’t have to worry about these risks. Today the new chemical onslaught in the farming industry is systemic pesticides.


​Systemic pesticides are chemicals that are actually absorbed by a plant when applied to seeds, soil, or leaves. The chemicals then circulate through the plant's tissues, killing the insects that feed on them. Some pesticides are dangerous to human health.

Pesticides were introduced into the American food supply in 1994 with Monsanto’s “Flavor Savr” tomato. Over a period of time, pesticides can contaminate the body with toxins, free radicals, and waste products that stress the filtering systems of the body and reduce the body’s ability to fight dis-eases

Dr. Akua’s “The Most Contaminated Fruits and Vegetables Chart” 

1. Celery
2. Spinach
​3. Potatoes
​4. Sweet red bell pepper
​5. Lettuce
​6. Carrots
​7. Green beans
​8. Hot peppers
​9. Cucumbers

  1. Peach                                                                
  2. Strawberry                                               
  3. Apple                                                        
  4. Nectarine                                                 
  5. Pears                                                        
  6. Cherries                                                  
  7. Raspberries                                     
  8. Imported Grapes                                     
  9. Tomatoes                                              

Not only are pesticides an issue, but a great concern for genetically modified foods (GMO as well. In the U.S and Canada, industrialists are not required to label genetically modified foods. This can be confusing to the public with the assumption that we’re consuming foods that are safe to eat, otherwise, we would be warned somehow right?

Did You Know?

“When the effects of chemicals appear, they are miss-diagnosed as flu, infection, V.D, heart attack, aids, allergies, headaches, tension, stress, depression, fatigue, tingling toes or fingers, food allergies, eczema, constipation, etc.” as stated by Dr. Llaila O. Afrika. 

We may be…..

1) using refined white sugar that has been, excoriated, demineralized, and devitalized (almost everything contains a form of sugar today)
2) we don’t get the purest, most natural foods anymore, because manufacturers add dyes, acids, moisturizers, artificial flavors, texturizes, preservatives, synthetic chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, steroids, and terminator codes (block nutrient absorption)

Dr. Akua’s “Top Ten Genetically Modified Foods”

8.Dairy products

​The commercial fast foods that aren’t naturally processed is genetically altered and highly toxic. There are no commercial foods safe to eat. These toxins and synthetic chemicals destroy and deteriorate the human body and are addicting.

Foods can be our medicine, but not unless they are natural foods.  You can change your food choices, but you can only change it for the better by creating new habits and teaching yourself to use natural foods. If you had an organic pomegranate in one hand and a pickle in the other to eat, you have to decide which one is best: natural or processed? You know your body needs good food.



In Naturopathy, the connection between the physical, mental, and emotional bodies is the foundation to good Health.

One of my goals is to help restore & maintain natural balance for the client.

Please email, text, or call for additional information located in the Contacts section, or click here

Shaw Nee Janelle
Holistic Health Practitioner ​

About the Author:

Shaw Nee Janelle is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, author of  The Traditional Modalities for Healing” manual available ​​on​, Blogger & Owner of In her blogs, she enjoys writing inspirational tips on Holistic Health, Affirmations, therapeutic Self-Care, Afrikan Spirituality, Sexual Abuse Awareness and more. She also loves travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes.

Until the Very Next Point in time,


Written by: Shaw Nee Janelle

*Please be Encouraged to check-out all of my Other Social Platforms Linked below for MORE Inspiration. *

~The Traditional Modalities for Healing, by: Reality S.J Fields
~Reality in



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