Chromotherapy | How Does Color Affect You?
“A color is as strong as the impression it creates.” Ivan Albright ~ Reality in Consciousness LEARN MORE At all times and in every space, our atmosphere is explosive with varied colors. Color therapy is also known by Chromotherapy , a therapeutic healing practice in which colors consciously affect our physical bodies and are used to permeate a level of balance in assisting with mood. Through their specific vibrations (wavelengths, frequencies), colors give off powerful influences regardless if we are conscious of it or not. Every hue variation has a vibrational frequency made by visible sound. In order for us to recognize the emittance of sound, nature has created another instrument, our eyes. We can consider the natural occurrence of color through its purest form of expression, the rainbow. We know that when a beam of light falls onto a prism, it refracts into the seven colors of the rainbow. Our ancient ancestors had specifically engaged...