How to Overcome Your Traumatic Memories | Part II


"If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining."
Guy Finely

​~Reality in Consciousness 

Almost everyone has triggered memories they would rather not address, and may also no the triggers that bring them into fruition. Traumatic memories can underline sorts of imbalances: depression, anxiety, phobias.

Our mental context in which a person perceives an event affects how the mind catalog the memories of that occurrence. In Part II, we will discover the basic order of operation of the brain’s memory center by the result of emotion, and how this discovery can reverse these conditions today. 


We recall events in relation to other events, the environment, and so on. Once your body has memorized a heightened emotion associated with a particular experience it will naturally trigger you to feel the emotion when any new and related experience occurs.
Researchers have shown that harmful memories really are vivid than good ones, possibly due to the interaction between emotions and memory. Typically, so with negative memories. 

Neuroimaging studies have detected the process of encoding and retrieving traumatic memories involves the parts of the brain that process emotions, particularly the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex.  fMRI studies (functional magnetic resonance imaging) reveal greater cellular activity in these regions when an individual is experiencing a triggered memory.  
More recently, western science has finally discovered that humans have a mechanism that they can utilize to block triggered memories, and even more discoveries on suppressing a memory, which involves shutting down parts of the brain that are involved in the recall.

Modern science formulated several theories in regards to how our brain process fearful memories.


      1.  Witness a “scary” event:
  • The thalamus relays sensory information to the amygdala, which marks the memory as emotionally significant and store for future use.  
   2. Neural networks in the hippocampus-the center of emotion, memory, and the autonomic nervous system, readily begin building a map of the memory’s context in the first few hours of the experience.
Neuroimaging studies have also discovered which brain systems play a role in absolute forgetting, making it possible to deliberately block those memories from your consciousness. 
  • The hippocampus cues the ventromedial prefrontal cortex of changed conditions, which inhibits neuron activity and the conditioned fear response in the amygdala.

Eliminating the traumatic context of memory involves creating newer, healthier mental connections to the same sensory cues. When we understand more about how a memory can be replaced or suppressed we will begin to individually help ourselves with traumatic conditions.

You can undo your cycle of traumatic feelings simply by consistently training your habits. Once your body has inhabited a specific emotion in connection to a particular experience, it will naturally trigger how you feel that emotion when any new and related experiences occur. 

Therefore, memories can be manipulated because they react as if made from glass, existing in a molten state as they are being created, before turning completely solid. When the memory is recalled again, it becomes molten again and can be altered before it once more resets. Each time we revisit a memory, it becomes flexible.

Furthermore, the longer we dwell on a specific memory or rehearse the specific experience surrounding the event the stronger neuron connections become. With a frequent and reoccurring emotion, your body builds a tolerance to the feeling, making it “normal”.

According to modern science, suppressing a memory involves turning off the parts of the brain that are involved in recollection. To replace a memory, those same brain regions must be actively engaged in redirecting the memory towards a more balanced mind frame.


In order for this occurrence to take place, you will need to restore your traumatic experience with a positive one.  Next week, we'll delve more specifically into the restoration aspects with a series of easy steps for you to adhere to and finally revert traumatic memories forever completing the three-part series. 

Comment below:
  • Have you ever thought about or began to suppress a traumatic memory? What was the outcome?
  • What is your opinion on suppressing memories?
  • How does it feel to know that traumatic experiences can be changed to positive ones?
  • Is there anyone that you can share this article with?

​​Until the Very Next Point in time,

Be Well & Heal in Peace…Peace!!!

Written by: S.J

Thank you again for staying in tuned to Reality in Consciousness on this week’s segment, “How to Overcome Your Traumatic Memories"| Part II.

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~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields
~Reality in

About the Author:

Shaw Nee Janelle is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of “The Traditional Modalities for Healing” Manual available on,  Blogger & owner of In her Blogs, she enjoys writing Inspirational Tips on Holistic Health, Weekly Affirmations, Therapeutic Self-Care, and more. She also loves travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes.


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