What is Hydrotherapy? | The Holistic Health Approach


Herbal Bath Therapy
A Herbal Bath is used to decrease stress, relax the muscular system, sustain & soften skin, prep for exfoliation, & soak the circulatory system with herbal remedies to revitalize the whole body. Use a tub full of warm water. Herbs can be present as fresh, dried, loose, in a sachet, or as my “go-to”, essential oils. Place either item straight into bath water, & allow the body to soak for 15-30 minutes. Herbal baths are most effective in the evening before bed as the body begins its regeneration processes for the night.

Steam has been a method to detoxify the body for millenniums. Customary steam baths in the form of hot springs have been prominent as a form of therapy among the indigenous people. Therefore, sweating to purify the body is a common practice. Steam opens up pores, increase heart rate, & then activates the integumentary & circulatory systems. The escalation of blood flow & the secretion of sweat aides in the breakdown & release of toxins, fat, dead cells, & lymphatic fluids through the skin. The recommended temperature is between ninety & one-hundred-twenty degrees Fahrenheit. For 10-30 minutes as the steam develop, can also be used with oils, skin exfoliates, & internal detox treatment as well during this time of regeneration.

Cyclic Showers 
This is a rotation of hot & cold water to stimulate the nervous, respiratory, & circulatory systems. As the shower starts, the temperature is slowly increased to a comfortable hot setting for one minute, then decreased to a comfortable cool setting for one minute. This alternate spray continues for four cycles of hot & cold, finishing with a comfortable warm temperature. The Cyclic Shower method is highly recommended for specific ailments. 

Ion Foot Detox 
An Ion Foot Detox is a self-contained water detox system which enables the body with an additional form of safe detoxing. As each foot is a means through which the body purifies itself of toxins, wastes, & heavy metals that are building up in numerous parts of the body. In the course of the ion foot detoxification bath, cleansing takes place as water interacts with the electric compound, current, & magnetic field structure. This cleansing process returns the cells to a healthy state. As you relax for thirty minutes, the machine completes its cycle. The suggested frequency for adults is eight sessions, two per week for one month. Depending on your health concerns, after the first full session, the ion foot bath is then recommended once or twice per month for continued regeneration of cells. 

Hydro-wraps is a very relaxing method of hydration. They are packs of hot, saturated wet sheets doused all over the body by dry towels or blankets wrapped tightly. Often used with clay, herbs, or moisturizing oils. Once the wraps are applied, the individual may relax with soft music for 15-30 minutes.

The sauna, through a constant change of heat, catalyzes a full body sweat. This type of thorough release by sweat activates the integumentary system to release toxins, fat, oil build-up, & excessive fluids from the body through its pores. The recommended temperature is between 160-194 degrees Fahrenheit, & the length of time is from 20 min to 1 hour, then followed-up with a gradual cool down process.

This is a jet-powered spa/bath that aides in relaxation of the muscular, nervous, & circulatory systems used as a method for hydration. Herbal bath sachets can be used with this method of regeneration, while herbs are not recommended because they will clog the jets. The standard health department regulated maximum temp in a whirlpool is 102 degrees Fahrenheit, & the normal length of time for hydrotherapy is 15-30 minutes.

***Any forms of hydrotherapy that are not done with natural water should be filtered prior to use.

If you are interested in locating a hydrotherapy facility in your area, check with a local gym, professional holistic practitioner, health resort, community newsletter, or spa. Please consult with your health advisor prior to performing hydrotherapy if any ailments are present.

Click & CHECK OUT Blogs Below:
Massage Therapy
Breath Therapy
Alternative Self-Care

Thank you again for staying in tuned to reality in consciousness on this week’s segment on Hydrotherapy | The Holistic Health Approach !

Please be sure to Check-Out All of My Other Social Media Platforms Linked Below
Until the Very Next Point in time,

Be Well & Heal in Peace…Peace!!!

Written by: S.J
***Stay Tuned in to reality in consciousness by simply Clicking on the Links Below!

~The Traditional Modalities for Healingby: Reality S.J Fields

Natural Health and Wellness; The Consultant Manual by Dr. Akua Gray
Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch, CNH

About the Author:

S.J is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of “The Traditional Modalities for Healing”, Blogger & owner of www.realitynconsciousness.com. In her Blogs, she enjoys writing Inspirational Tips about the utilization of Holistic Tools, such as Mindfulness, Awareness of the inner-self & its environment, weekly Affirmations for Sexual Abuse Survivors, & Afrikan Spirituality. She also loves reading, travel, fitness, & creating new vegan recipes.



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