​Healing in the Now with Massage Therapy


Reality SJ~Background~

During the last thirteen years of being a “Keep Oregon Weird” resident (you have to live here in order to understand the catchphrase), there has always been this inclination to
inspire and become a woman where so that I was grounded in all aspects of life. If that at all makes any sense, I guess what I’m trying to make a shorter version to say is that my purpose to move completely out of my comfort zones was to find out who I really am, and what was I willing to sacrifice to be that “change” for myself and others. Thankfully, my ability to adapt to new spaces have always come easy for me, and besides weird people are interesting a definite win, win!

Today, I realize that I am walking the journey that I have set out for myself in advancement to the next level of knowledge. This isn’t a glam blog (Although, I like those too!) nor one that I care to exploit any mentioned concepts that I’ve received from the higher spirits to write about. Healing in the now with Massage therapy is a precursor to my journey with experiencing various forms of traditional healing methods beginning here in Portland, Oregon, rounding other selective states, and then eventually branching out to other continents following the same vision. So, this is just one of my foresight in blogging.

Before I get to my personal experience with the most recent massage therapy, there is just a little bit more background on why I so needed this treatment today. To read some of my earlier blogs where I talked about why I became Vegan is essential for my next point hereWell, over the course of about 1.5 years with a changed lifestyle, I’ve lost twenty pounds! Exciting yes, but not so exciting when tissue and muscle begin to shift and rotate from the weight loss. Furthermore, the effect of the change of muscle tissue is discomfort if you’re not privy to the subtle signs of alert that the body conveys. For instance, the idea to receive a deep tissue massage had crossed my mind several times prior to this one day where I slept with my arms situated in a butterfly position while laying on my stomach. My entire neck, shoulders, and lower back felt like one entire “crook in the neck” when I woke-up and peeled myself out of bed. Also, when I looked in the bathroom mirror something was odd about the front of my neck. The clavicle bone was way more prominent, I’d never, ever seen it stick out before. I looked like I’d been malnourished, and it was far too freaking bizarre to look at the reflection of myself in the mirror with warped alien bones poking through my skin near the base of the neck.

Granted I did forget to stretch after the last workout, but for goodness sakes, it was a light cardio exercise that should’ve resulted to not anything even close to having stiff muscles. So, I made an appointment for a 1.5hour full body massage and ended up receiving a 1hr “skeletal re-adjustment” and a 1/2hour foot massage instead, here’s why.
After explaining to the massage therapist my issues with the portion of my upper body, she’d suggested a technique that would allow for my muscles to relax and naturally “lay” in place bringing a synergistic balance back to the body. I also received my own intuitive insight to why my clavicle bone was poking out so far, and evidentially, the muscle tissue in my problem areas had shifted due to strenuous activities like kickboxing, poor posture while reading and typing weight loss, and stress.


~Healing in the Now with Massage Therapy~

Archaeological evidence of massage has been discovered in many ancient civilizations, such as Egypt, China, and India. In case you’re unaware, Massage Therapy promotes relaxation, assimilation of nutrients and enzymes, releases toxins, stress, and anxiety. After conducting my own research, the specific massage technique that I had received today was called a structural integration technique.

Structural Integration's aim is to unwind the strain patterns residing in the body's myofascial system, restoring it to its natural balance, alignment, length, and ease. This is accomplished by deep, slow, fascial and myofascial manipulation, coupled with movement re-education. Various brands of Structural Integration are Rolfing, Hellerwork, Guild for Structural Integration, Aston Patterning,[7]Soma,[52] and Kinesis Myofascial Integration.[53]

My overall experience with this specific structural integration technique was satisfying. The masseuses paid closed attention to problematic areas beginning with the most prominent “traps” in the shoulders. Smoothing muscle tissue in a downward direction, combining firm and still pressure points. Eventually, the knots relaxed following a prickling sensation at the waist. Before the zone therapy on my feet began, my healing was already complete and the body felt restored. Not to downgrade the foot massage, because yes indeed, it was therapeutic as well, and by utilizing the remaining 30min was just a perfect amount of time for my feet.

I felt light as a feather, my shoulders had dropped significantly, and my feet connected to the surface of the ground in a more conscious approach. Wow, I absolutely will not neglect myself from receiving a routine massage again! Afterward, there were some final stretching and lengthening of my upper body to ensure that the work was successful without sustaining any discomfort. I am pleased with the outcome of this experience, it was greater than expected (It was way overdue)! Finally, the massage therapist performed a few simple stretches for me to try out at home as needed. One style of a stretch was called the “hitchhiker”, where I would start bent over at the waist with both arms and thumbs pointing out. Then rolling the shoulders back realigning my spine straight into a standing position again, ending with both back shoulder blades in a pinched position as if I were pulling a bow & arrow with both hands over the shoulders. Hey, I’m for it!

A friendly reminder to please not wait until there’s tension overload in the body to begin taking care of yourself, sort of like what I had to learn to do for me. I know a lot of times we’re too busy helping to care for other people and neglect our own therapeutic charge to remain balanced in life. Meanwhile, the tiniest aspects of life will sustain us the most mentally, physically, and spiritually, such as routine massages catered to your specific level of healing. Routine self-care regimens are ideal to remain balanced and grounded through life. Don’t think of it as an expense, know that Massage Therapy is part of our Traditional Modalities for Healing

Are massage therapies customary for you?

Be well and heal in Peace…Peace!

Oh, Yeah, learning through trials to sustain my whole body entirely has made me aware of other Therapeutic Modalities of interest for further healing and grounding. ***Don’t Miss What’s Coming Up Next…***

Written by: S.J

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