3 Ways to Protect Your Spirit | from Negative Vibes

spirit | ˈspirit | noun
            (Latin) Spiritus= Breath 
            That which animates the body; the immaterial part of the being; whichis the seat of emotions and character; Singularly connected to all things and the greater infinite all.

~Reality in Consciousness 
“The hue from my external soul belongs to me.”
-S. J          
            Have you ever been inside of a space or with an individual where either the presence is uplifting or draining following right after any or all of your interactions with them? Well, this is a sign of whether or not to pursue this particular activity or relationship in the near future. Being around a person, place, or thing transmitting low vibrational energy (negative vibes), 9 times out of 10, is brought upon because you have attracted this spark of energy towards you.
 Interacting with other people engages your mirror neuron system.  A mirror neuron is a cell in your brain that fires both when you act & when you observe another person or thing acting (in motion). This system will allow you to model your environment, person or thing. If one spends enough time with anyone or place no matter who or what it is, you will begin to mimic its nature. Be deliberate of who you let into your space. Each positive person or attribute will increase positivity chances by 11% within & around yourself. While negative interactions more than double your chances of a negative encounter with yourself or other people. 
Get rid of negative vibes, your Physical Health relies on it! Research shows that being exposed to negative people peels away neurons in your hippocampus, the part of your brain responsible for problem-solving.  Ideally, this means that negative people, places, or things have detrimental effects that will literally rot your brain.

Stay Clear Away From…

     Downers- unlucky; depressed; kills positive energy; enjoys or are programmed to a pessimistic attitude.
         Distractors- available in all varieties; gossip, attention- whores, etc.
         Play-the-victim- master manipulators; makes one feel bad because they are unstable on many levels of reality.
         Know-it-alls- will not allow the past to remain in the past; cannot move forward; unable to live in the now; refuse to create individual reality; perceptions based on false precepts from the past.
Drama queens- love conflict

Protection Tip #1

Fully Make Sense of Your Purpose in Life!

                  A lot of the time, the Spirit & the physical-self are at odds within frequency levels where the Spirit is always connected in communication, but the physical-self is unable to pick-up on this relationship, due to that individual’s low vibrational energy & frequency from the lack of knowledge of self.  
                  For instance, a person is awakened by the light of day onto their purpose most days, spreading good vibes (love) within each space.  This particular frequency is unbothered by a negative lowered rate of occurrences. Therefore, he or she are guided through the day with positive affirmations transcribed from the divine (Spirit).  Those that are led by worry & doubt are unfortunately living out a mundane experience with layered negative vibrations covered in fear of the necessary risks that are warranted in their lives that will lead to gratitude (happiness) & freedom.   
         To strive for self-freedom by the means of the soul, that which produces light will redirect negative vibrations from your space.  One can practice by first mastering your positive inward actions with the necessary outward duties.  In this way, it is well met with one another where the foundation remains Spiritually bonded.  This is what separates most people from elevating in consciousness, which that is to stay on their purpose in life. Consequently, when you represent the self with fear, it is boxed into your mind like a trap, & is immediately mimicked by the space around you.

Protection Tip #2 

Adjoining Self-Actualization & Affirm a Positive Environment

                  Most of you are present here reading this because you are familiar with the body’s energy fields, such as the aura & chakra system that are referred to as the “light bodies”.  Click here to view my Blog on How to Understand Your Spiritual Self.   Negative frequencies can affect you more easily if the subtle (light) bodies are disharmonized or underactive. Light bodies operate on a different plane of reality based on the self-actualization of being.  As it does operate outside of the limitations of gravity & speed of light, whereas the physical body’s very function is completely reliant on the formation of dense mass giving you a false illusion about life, therefore yourself included. The more work that is focused towards the advancement of the subtle bodies, the better transmission of higher knowledge of self, environment & so-on-&-so-forth readily available.  
         You can also affirm a positive environment in your personal space that will subconsciously travel with you wherever you journey off to throughout your days in life. One way to produce light in your home is to fill the space with cultural ancestry pieces.  Cultural ancestry pieces are visual reminders of our living elders & transitioned ancestors symbolizing prosperity & enlightenment. In the form of artwork, statues, framed letters, photographs, their personal items or whatever calls for your attention in their daily recognition.  Cultural ancestry pieces are important, for as you form your individual reality, the reminiscence of ancestry will protect you from the outer forces that do not serve you well in life.

Tip #3

Ancestor Acknowledgment

They are your inner-guidance, a vessel & support in all earthly things. “Our Ancestors believed that the heart is the Gateway to our Higher Self.  They recommended that we check our hearts daily to be sure that we maintain this high spiritual state of Maat consciousness, for it is through Maat that every yoke that oppresses will be broken.  Remain in an active state of meditation so that Spirit may continue to reveal to us the divine plan of all circumstances (Afua, 2000)”.  Here I wrote an article about How to Observe your Ancestors on a Spiritual level. 

Extra Encouragement

For additional T.L.C, utilize diet (eating lifestyle) & exercise as a supreme catalyst for protecting the Spirit from negative energy. For as food is medicine, it forms mental thought & clarity by what you ingest, you literally are what you eat. Just as diet, physical exercise brings awareness & a grounding insight fastened to your self- actualization.

  Thank you again for staying in tuned to reality on this week’s segment on 3 Ways to Protect Your Spirit | from Negative Vibes! 
Until the Very Next Point in Time,
Be Well & Heal in Peace…Peace!!!
Written by: S.J
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