Feeling a Little Fatigued ? | 7 Natural & Holistic Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

~Reality in Consciousness 

Random Fact“People who eat Spinach or other Dark, Leafy Greens, such as Collard Greens, at least twice each week have healthier Retinas and thus Better Vision than those who don’t”
~Curt Pesmen
It is Natural for the body to feel a little bit fatigued every-so-often, I mean, no one is perfect. The physical body communicates to your brain computer that an imbalance has taken force requiring your attention, or you probably just need to take a short nap.  Otherwise, it’s important to understand the proper correlation of the body’s communicative signals and how they are interpreted through our intuitive responses or not, such as fatigue.  In any sense, there are a multitude of Natural & Holistic techniques to boost your energy levels, but here is Simple Ways to increase spontaneity on a re-charged journey to Reality in Consciousness!

7 Natural & Holistic Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy

1.   Reschedule Meals for More Energy

The time of day when you eat can impact your energy and stress level.  Adjust the time that you consume the largest caloric intake to midday when according to Naturopath’s wisdom, the digestive system is operating at the optimal level at this time of the day as the energy of the sun is at its highest point. The standard American diet is based on the consumption of massive food before bedtime.  The issue with this is, eating close to bedtime can stress your digestive and adrenal system.

2.    Natural Arousing Aromatherapy
Instead of reaching for another cup of joe during the midday, take a pleasant whiff of various organic Essential Oils.  Naturopaths, Spiritual Healers, & modern Scientists studies show that scents work directly on the brain’s computer and various odors can induce specific moods and emotions. Rosemary will stimulate your senses, increase circulation, and boost alertness. To re-energize sluggish senses, try Citrusy Essential Oils like Lemon, Tangerine, Orange, Lime, or Grapefruit for a Natural boost of Energy.  Apply a few droplets onto a cotton ball and take a pleasant whiff throughout the day as needed.
3.   Magnesium for Minor Boost
Magnesium-  is a vital catalyst in enzyme activity involved in energy production.
If your experiencing fatigue and lack of motivation regardless of the amount of sleep you’re getting, you could be Magnesium deficient. This frequent, over-looked mineral is vital to your body’s metabolism of fats and energy production, Herbalist asserts. Consider increasing your intake with Magnesium enriched foods in a natural way, such as with dark, leafy greens, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, grapefruit, figs, garlic, brown rice or adding a Magnesium supplement. *To test for deficiency, a procedure called intracellular (mononuclear cell) Magnesium screen should be performed.  
4.   The Five-Minute Walk Solution
Exercise has been shown to increase blood flow, decrease stress and helps with insomnia.  It can equally perk you up during the midday, and even a few minutes is beneficial. Take a quick power walk around the block to get your blood circulating.  A power-stroll will be sure to boost your energy level in a holistic way for your next round of task.
5.   A Dairy-Downer to Explore
Another often overlooked conduit that may be responsible for fatigue is the lymph system.  In due time, a dairy-rich diet is thought to impede the lymphatic vesselswhich filter proteins, fats, bacteria, and dead cells. Naturopaths suggest that you give your body a break from dairy products, at the very least cut-out milk and ice cream by replacing it with a safer choice.  
6.   Unblock Your Energy
Too much energy can cause imbalances similar to fatigue.  Vocalizing non-syllabic vowel tones, or sounds, is one way to release displaced energy. The traditional “OM” sound creates harmony in part because it unites the chanter with the number of sound waves circulating the environment.  The great ancestors had discovered before the modern time that toning synchronizes brain waves and operates as an internal massage to renew and invigorate the person expressing the sound.  Simply focus your attention on your throat, sound out “OM” without judgment, and repeat for 5 to 10 minutes, with breaks for breaths in a comfortable, seated position.  
7.   An Energy Rainbow
According to some Spiritual Healers, Crystals possess vibrational frequencies that can help fine-tune energy levels.  For example, Amethyst is known to be helpful for cleaning and energizing the body, and strengthening the immune system. To ward off negative emotions, suggested Crystals to help reduce stress-related fatigue is Green Aventurine and Selenite.

There You Have it! 7 Natural & Holistic Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy!!

Be Well & Heal in Peace… Peace!
~ Written by: Reality S.J
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Source: “Uncommon Cures for Everyday Ailments”; from the Editors of Bottom Line/Health by Curt Pesmen, Copyright 2005 by Boardroom Inc.
Source:“Prescription for Nutritional Healing” by Phyllis A. Balch Copyright 2010 Revocable Trust


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