Ancestors: Daily Observance
~Reality in

An alternative concept to
follow, rather than being morphed into an android by society is to experience a
gradual daily, monthly, and even yearly inner-growth approach from what could’ve
been an astounding principal at its origins, like Xmas. BUT. In the meantime, U.S
holidays are celebrated with gifts of all things material by only focusing in on
For instance, during Xmas
season, all over the states there’s advertisement based on whatever antic the new
marketing team has pitched this time around to begin the ritual. They portray a
season to give back to the “less fortunate” with fancy toy drives on TV, structuring
more space for beds in shelter homes, and promoting all to donate a collection
of socks to some random bin at the Goodwill store. It is absolutely ridiculous to have toy
drives for a child who desperately needs a stable environment instead. Beds in shelters need to be plentiful, and not
just when it’s a convenient season for the county. Overall, there are people
who need food and holistic stability today, not just once a year!
Half of the individuals that I
know look forward to holiday distractions, so while at the dinner table or in the
company of one another, there will be more “colorful” topics to discuss besides
inner-growth or the lessons learned from experiencing a challenge in their life. On the other hand, the remaining half of
individuals have been indoctrinated into social frenzies, excusing symptomatic holiday
stress so that they can pretend to be happy.
The endless extravaganza of
streaming holidays is a hoax to the original people! The Afrikan-Indigenous
peoples living in Northern America has forgotten the remembrance of those who
came before us passed down with divine wisdom by our Elders.
~Ancestor. This
is a blood-or extended-family member who has died and made the transition into
the Spiritual world. This person is now
in a position to render service to those who call out his or her name for Spiritual
guidance in the material world. (Sacred Woman p126)
~Elder. Is an older member of your blood or extended
family who carries the wisdom of the family. They may be someone you go to for
advice, direction, and knowledge. The
greater the respect you show toward your Elders, the greater your blessings
will be. (Sacred Woman p126)
A rich body of work that has
taken me to another level of consciousness is the daily observances in honoring
my ancestors. All indigenous cultures
honor the ancestors, it is a part of our culture and tradition. The ancient
Afrikan cosmology of God was to honor the ancestors first. All religion is based on ancestor worship; it
cannot function without it. If you
believe in Jesus, Buddha, Abraham, Jehovah, or Muhammad, and etc. a man that
lived and died, this is ancestor worship.
Honoring our ancestors helps
us to be sure of our role and purposes of being here at this time. In our bloodline and sometimes not, we have
one relative who is a Spirit Guide for us.
Working, communicating, and
knowing who they are is empowering. Start with the oldest Elder in the family,
and begin to listen to his/her unique stories and the names of other family members.
Make a list of those you do want to honor who lived in alignment with Maat’. Build
an ancestor altar. Say their names and
pour out a libation. At your Ancestor’s
altar, you want to have the elements that represent fire, water, air, and
earth. Now, begin to listen, for they
will guide and help you to avoid things that don’t serve you.
“Our Ancestors believed that
the heart is the Gateway to our Higher Self.
They recommended that we check our hearts daily to be sure that we
maintain this high spiritual state of Maat consciousness, for it is through
Maat that every yoke that oppresses will be broken. Remain in an active state of meditation so
that Spirit may continue to reveal to us the divine plan of all circumstances.”
(Sacred Woman p316)
Comment Below;
Who do you consider to be an Ancestor? Is there an Elder in the family who have many stories to be told?
by: Reality S.J Fields
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