The Elephant in the Room; Generational Jaded, Interpersonal Relationships

~Reality in Consciousness “Can African male and female relationships survive in America? Not if black-on-black love is dead. Not if we are still too scared to admit there is a problem while our families fall apart.” -Sister Souljah I came across the read “No Disrespect ” by Sister Souljah nearly three years ago when I took the initiative in research to understand the sense lack of love and its effects based on experiences with my relatives of whom I unconditionally love (by default J ). Upon the book’s insight and my reflection in comparison, I rediscovered my purpose in life. Being aware that a lot of us are embarrassed, or might find it so- called “messy” to have discussions on family matters outside of the “union” due to agreeable understandings of privacy. Well, that’s not the case here. Some immediate relatives that I’ve come to know, out of anger and frustration, have enabled stagnation in moving forward together by producing toxic past r...