How to Overcome Your Traumatic Memories | Part I
Memories influence every action and pattern of action you undertake.” Dr. Daniel Amen ~Reality in Consciousness Re-occurring mental distress can be debilitating, weakening the natural function of the human body. Experiences like these are more common than what you may think. The brain is hard-wired in such a way to learn quickly from bad experiences, but not so many good ones. Bad memories are more vivid than the good experiences, possibly due to the interaction between the connected emotion to the memory. Especially so if the memory was perceived as negative. It’s why traumatic memories so often stick to the brain, while positive ones appear to just slip away. Therapeutic Self-Care Blogs Holistic Health Tips Blogs Affirmation Blogs For those who suffer from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, and phobias, just one unwelcoming memory can manifest a lifetime of perceptions, emotions, an...